About Alumasteel

Steel and plate fabrication located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

We specialize in cost effective custom steel fabrication solutions of structural steel, conveyors, equipment supports, piping, chutes, hoppers and miscellaneous metals.

We work with a variety of sheet metal fabrication materials including: carbon steel and exotic metals such as stainless steel, aluminum, inconel, hastelloy etc. Alumasteel has the Experience and flexibility to handle all your mechanical assembly needs such as mounting idlers, pulleys, motors, pumps, piping etc. We have a proven track record of supplying effective and dependable steel metal fabrication services for our customers.

Alumasteel is a structural steel fabrication and plate fabrication specialist

We are located in Salt Lake City, Utah. We specialize in the custom fabrication of structural steel, conveyors, equipment supports, piping, chutes, hoppers and miscellaneous metals. We fabricate from carbon steel and exotic metals such as stainless steel, aluminum, inconel, hastelloy etc. Alumasteel can also handle all your mechanical assembly needs such as mounting idlers, pulleys, motors, pumps, piping etc.

Alumasteel employs a base of 30 fabricators and has the capacity to employ more as the job requires.

We require that our employees be the most honest, the most professional, and the highest paid. We do not promote internal competition, but recognize the goals, talents, and abilities of each of our employees. Because of these beliefs, we feel that our team will be the best for any project. So please contact us today to see how we can help you.

Operating Philosophies

Safety – Alumasteel is dedicated to maintaining a safety-focused and environmentally conscious business. This commitment is central to everything we do. We have developed a proactive approach to safety and the environment for both our customers and our employees. Which in turn creates value and safeguards our most important asset our customer’s satisfaction.

Technology – The constant pursuit of leading-edge technologies remains a core component of our strategic plan. Our expanding technology portfolio features value-added, groundbreaking solutions for clients in every facet of our business.

At Alumasteel, we are extremely proud to have served our clients in so many different industries around the world. We have designed, built and delivered our unique service solutions to such places as Canada, Mexico, South America, Africa, China and Russia just to name just a few.

Our Code of Ethics

We act according to our ethics and company values. We believe that we are what we do, not what we say. This means we don’t over-report results, oversell our service or sell our employees short. We outline specific responsibilities for decision-making to ensure accountability.

Accountability Project Guidelines

  1. Does it coincide with our ethics?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
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Company Profile

Steel fabrication and plate fabrication located in Salt Lake City, Utah. We specialize in cost effective custom steel fabrication solutions of structural steel, conveyors, equipment supports, piping, chutes, hoppers and miscellaneous metals. We work with a variety of sheet metal fabrication …
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Contact Alumasteel

Aluma Steel MFG., Inc.
3900 West 700 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104

PH: 801-973-8600
FX: 801-975-0452
EM: info@alumasteel.com

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